i went to the most unexpected place one would go on such a day. ESCAPE!!!!!! with leo n lionel.
woke up at 11,play com 4awhile then change n went to meet wit lionel. we took the 969 bus to tampines. when we reach tampines,i went to the bus3 bustop.shocked to find there wasnt any1 queuein,thought escape was close or sumtin. then a few ppl came n fill in the queue. whew. scared the shit outta me. ok then after 30mins ride,we finally reach our destination.YAY

we still werent certain whther escape it open 2day or not,so quite worried. saw a few bikini babes walking towards wild wild wet. 2bad we nt going there *sniff*. i sort of ran to c whether escape was open,then i saw the counters n stuffs,n sum faint screaming, YES ITS OPEN.

after bying our tickets,3 of us saw this 2sexy gals(ok la not 2,jus 1,the other fren of hers sucks like shit) . her shorts are so short and she wearing pink T. anyway lio interested in her,nt me. so we sort of "followed" them to the ride where theres lots of huge spining cups. the pink girl's(and her fren's)cup were nxt to the three of us. aint that great =) .i peered over n saw tat pink girl looking at me!(or was she?) ok then the ride started. spin spin spin~ leo was like:omg this is dizzy . i dint com to escape for sumtime,so after de 1st ride i started to feel abit nauseous. ok we decided to go pepsi next,then the 2gals "happened" to be there.= = .i sat wit leo,n when the ride started leo was sort of shocked tat it spinned so violently. haha .after tat we went to the viking(with the two girls again) and this time the girls sat 2rows in front of us. the pink gal was quite ok,she dont act cute like wad other gals do scream here scream dere for nth. ok la she did scream,once or twice only. after tat 3of us decided to go haunted house,the 2gals duno go wher.

long queue,have to wait.sian. so we waited. deres this group we saw,they just opened the door,peered inside n scream like hell although they arent totally inside the room. -.-. wait wait wait,then its our turn.leo went in 1st,me 2nd,lio 3rd. i looked in front,saw no ghost,n i knew it was behind us. that fucking ghost was "back stabbing" us n we (or rather,leo n i)sort of ran to the nxt room. ok tats nt the end,i slowed down cos that guy says no runnin,then i saw leo running to me,n this stupid ghost following him. whenever leo walk,"it" walks, whenever he run/stop,"it" does the same. WAAAH. i saw leo running towards me,and with tat stupid ghost following him, so i just ran n ran until i bump into a guy hu went in b4 us. he was like very calm,observing and looking at the designs of the house,as if its some kind of museum. i was like wtf r u doin. then leo came. i looked behind him. no ghost.whew. the last time i came in the ghost dint ran after us,"it" jus stayed dere. this time "it" chased= =. wait,wheres lionel? ok nvm.so me n leo n the previous group walked together.came to this part wher a fake body jus suddenly slice off. the girls scream like hell,then lio suddenly popped out. he dint run,he jus strolled slowly,n after we got out he told us the ghost was initially following him. the ghost like got no effect on him,so "it" went to follow leonard,so leonard run,causing me to run too.

lionel wanted to eat mac,so we went out of escape to the nearby mac. we saw this caucasian girl wearing bikini(*sniff*) in mac,leo was wow-ing = =.after we ate,we went to the arcade there. lionel n leo went to KOF,i went to take a look at daytona. then i saw this super ultra familiar looking girl wearing white specs playin daytona. i dint called out the name,cos i wasnt sure. then she stood up,her height was like abit below my shoulder,n she sort of looked at me,then she continued playin. then after we left i realised that girl was cassandra= = she smsed me n said she saw me,but dint really recognised me. we dint c each other for like almost 2years,obviously i duno how she looked like already.

then 3of us went back escape. we played almost everyting we can play there. theres a period where the pinky girl n 3of us keep sitting the pepsi. i feel so stupid,getting dizzy with them jus to see that stupid girl,n its nt i who wanted to c her-.- . we went to the go-kart. queue damn long lor. wait like half an hour until our turn. ahA. another cute girl wearing pink looking at me(was it me?) heh heh heh >=). after our turn she disappeared . ARGH WHAT THE @#$!%$@#??????
then the pepsi fever came back again. this time,im outta this shit. i sat a few times,then i KO-ed and told them to carry on themselves. damn stupid la,keep taking the same ride jus to c tat girl=.= .in the end lio dint get her num,he sort of "scared" her off. hOhO. sucks. we r supposed to get a num each,i got my own target,leo n lio targets r de same,in the end both girls r gone. wakao T.T we went home at about 7.30,then i went to vien's block to get bio book. n nw im copying the damn chapter 9 of the damn bio txtbk . ARGH. i wonder wad time wld i finish. o.O zzz.

sure brought back lots of memories. *PIANG*


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